- OCulink 8i (SFF-8612) to PCIe x8 Gen 4 convert
- Built-in OCulink 8i (SFF-8612) connector, pin-out defined by SFF-9402 Rev1.1
- Built-in ReDriver to extend PCIe 4.0 8 Lanes signals reach
- Built-in PCIe 100MHz Clock buffer, default Zout=100 ohm to drive longer trace length and longer cable length.
- Built-in PCIe SMBus Switch(Address 0xE2) 4-channel with Reset Function for OCulink 8i (SFF-8612) SMBus and PCIe 100MHz Clock buffer SMBus control
- Built-in PERST# Bus Buffer Gate to be used over longer trace lengths and over longer cable length
- Built-in WAKE# Bus Buffer Gate to be used over longer trace lengths and over longer cable length
- Built-in CLKREQ# Bus Buffer Gate to be used over longer trace lengths and longer over cable length
- Built-in PWRBRK# Bus Buffer Gate to be used over longer trace lengths and longer over cable
- D1 Green LED on indicates AIC ready